martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Philosophy of information and organization

Philosophy of information and organization -- Part 1 of a series about how we see things in nature and society (i.e., "epistemology.") -- Comments are invited to make it better and to clarify the issues.

Essentially it is a metaphysics of "information" and "organization" in the biological and social sciences. It developed as part of the standard grammar for an animated flow-chart energy language.

The last 1/3 will show some examples, touch upon how institutions in economics correspond to the pattern, compare the very different type of system in climate and ecology (i.e. flow-through webs,) and end with a very simple summary. It will be posted shortly.

The little black bar at the bottom is for the time-cursor and the symbol list, which I don't add until the animation is entirely finished. (To see how that works, please look at some of the other animations. Click on "leearnold," above.)

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