jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Spain in the World


Spain in the World

To know a country, city or any other place, it is not enough to find out about its customs, language or politics. We can only have a true knowledge of reality - of a country in this case – if we are able to place it in context, and in this case it would be a double context: those of place and time. We can only know what Spain is according to its location in the world and history; this way, we go from a narrow concept of citizenship to a wide and cosmopolitan one.

“Spain is a country with deep historical roots in
Europe. A country which - as can be seen through
its cultural heritage - has gone through some
conflictive and magnificent times that contribute to
explaining its current reality. Spain has its own
personality and idiosyncrasies, characterised by
several phenomena, like the discovery of America
or its neutrality during the two World Wars. But at
the same time, its history shares some aspects of
the history of other European countries, when –
while conscience of its diversity - it declared itself
a unified state and played a leading role in some
of the most important chapters of modern European history..”

Information from the official webpage of the Office
of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development
We recommend that you visit the webpage.
Some data taken from Wikipedia and supplemented with official statistcs pages, (www.ine.es).

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